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Le Pleb Royale
42 Sats

One.. Two.. One.. Two.. Testing.. One.. Two.. Testicles...
4242 Sats

Bitcoinwiki voor Nederlanders EN BELGEN ????????????????????

707 Sats

Hi Belgium Noderunner frens????

2100 Sats

Leuk jullie overal tegen te komen!

2100 Sats

Noderunners wtf

210 Sats


21 Sats

Test Test

4 Sats


Belgian Bitcoin Embassy

God Bless Bitcoin | Documentary

God Bless Bitcoin asks the timely question: How do we fix our broken money? Through in-depth conversations with bitcoin and interfaith religious leaders, the film exposes the broken, unjust, and immoral nature of our current fiat-based monetary system, one that is intimately connected to the military industrial complex and the propagation of war. The film also shows how and why members of the poor and middle class feel a financial squeeze even when they work hard and lead fiscally responsible lives. God Bless Bitcoin ultimately suggests the ways in which Bitcoin can present alternatives to our current system that are more just, equitable, and peaceful.

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