The documentary film “My Trust in You Is Broken” tells the origin of BTCPay Server. Created by Nicolas Dorier, which
One.. Two.. One.. Two.. Testing.. One.. Two.. Testicles...
Bitcoinwiki voor Nederlanders EN BELGEN ????????????????????
Hi Belgium Noderunner frens????
Leuk jullie overal tegen te komen!
Noderunners wtf
Test Test
The documentary film “My Trust in You Is Broken” tells the origin of BTCPay Server. Created by Nicolas Dorier, which
God Bless Bitcoin asks the timely question: How do we fix our broken money? Through in-depth conversations with bitcoin and
Sooly legt uit hoe je een Bitcoin job kan vinden en hoe je opportuniteiten kan creëren. – Sooly Explains how
Michael Saylor joins Robert Breedlove to discuss anthropology, energy, and technology from first principles as they build the intellectual foundation
Michael Saylor delivered, according to his own words, his first keynote with slides this year. It was a brilliant speech,
“Bitcoin is the Mycelium of Money” (abridged) by Brandon Quittem:
We turned James Rothmann’s thread into a mini-documentary based on Robert Breedlove and Raoul Pal’s podcast:
Mini-documentary based on “Check Your Financial Privilege” by Alex Gladstein:…
This Machine Greens, presented by Swan Bitcoin, is a documentary that explores Bitcoin’s complex and nuanced relationship with energy. The
EP133 – Is in English for once, and reports about
EP132 – We hebben het over strike, fiat-om-fiat, risico’s, telegram
EP131 – We hebben het andermaal over DSA, chatcontrol, en
EP130 – Vandaag hebben we het over Telegram, Frankrijk, Europese
EP133 – Is in English for once, and reports about the situation in Belgium, and presents the AVB podcast. We’re doing a short intro on who
EP132 – We hebben het over strike, fiat-om-fiat, risico’s, telegram en beleggen.
EP131 – We hebben het andermaal over DSA, chatcontrol, en Paul Verlies met z’n rendements-opties, en… over activisme.
EP130 – Vandaag hebben we het over Telegram, Frankrijk, Europese controle-drang en de nieuwe staatsbon.
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